The Papal Visit 2015: Pope Francis Visits the Philippines in Photos

See Pope Francis’ visit to the Philippines in these heart-warming photos from various websites and media companies:


Aren’t these children so cute? Sleepy or not, they are all ready to see and welcome the Pope at the Manila Cathedral!safe_image620x340xswiss-guard.jpg.pagespeed.ic.xBs0qvcCXTeA7Q786gv0A boy yawns as schoolchildren dressed as Vatican Swiss guards rehearse outside the Manila Cathedral for the upcoming papal visit in Manila

How adorable is this photo of a Filipino child lifting the Pope’s papal cap? My heart just melted! Awww…boy-capPope-Francis-PhilippinesThe Pope and the Philippine President

0,,18193022_303,00 Pope’s special Jeepney-inspired Papal Mobil

09pope-mobile2 Pope Francis and Cardinal Tagle766d9e7e87db1f6150fb5e2adafc16d5 2015-01-15T111719Z_2137546748_GM1EB1F1HFC01_RTRMADP_3_POPE-PHILIPPINES 2015-01-15T112339Z_50248896_GM1EB1F1HNE01_RTRMADP_3_POPE-PHILIPPINES 2015-01-16T043101Z_766209614_GM1EB1G0YOT01_RTRMADP_3_POPE-PHILIPPINES The Filipino Pilgrims in Tacloban and Manila during the Pope’s mass.10917123_908382629182521_7996560309048385869_n 10923827_908383092515808_4356370612073539442_n Asia Pope 5 Things to Know pope-francis-philippines-tacloban-palo-20150117-008 pope-francis-protest-youth-ust-20150114-002 Francis pope-philippines-t_3168209k pope-thumb-011715 0799b9e942542f026b0f6a706700bc28 Gardee_1-21-800x500 image Pope visits Philippines pope-francis-pagpag-1 ?????????????????????

 Viva Papa Francisco!