Interactive Dance Revolution Reinvents Exercising

Since last December 2016, I told myself I’m going to commit exercising consistently and I’ve done so since then so finding a new dance studio or gym is exciting for me. I’ve stumbled upon the newly-opened Interactive Dance Revolution in Tomas Morato.

The party-themed dance studio is a first in the metro. They have several workout classes including Dance Fitness, Cosmic Spinning, Boxing Circuit and IDR 101. The best thing about their schedule is it’s from Mondays to Sundays, unlike some gyms or dance studios usually there aren’t any Sunday classes. Their classes aren’t also expensive compared to other gyms or dance studios.

Interactive Dance Revolution have two types of rooms, Temproom and Velodrome. The Temproom is a heated room which is used for their IDR, Dance Fitness and Boxing Circuit classes while Velodrome is where the Cosmic Spinning is done. Both rooms have party lights that make their exercise classes even more fun.

We were able to try the IDR 101 which is 30 minutes dancing and 30 minutes spinning. It was a fun experience with all the party lights while exercising. The dance instructor and spinning instructor were both quite good. He had good dance moves and he even added some dances using sticks, which was quite challenging but it’s probably good for toning your body. I’ve only tried heated room for Yoga but never for dancing so that was quite different! I’m used to dancing Zumba or Hiphop so the first half was easy for me to do.

Photos courtesy of Interactive Dance Revolution

The other half of the class which was spinning was quite hard for me as it was my first time to do a cycling class. The spinning instructor made us do some dancing while cycling on the stationery bikes. The music was good and it was more fun because of the party lights inside the Velodrome room.

We weren’t able to do their Boxing Circuit class but perhaps next time if we go back we can give it a try. Interactive Dance Revolution also has a Drip 101 but when we went there, it wasn’t ready yet for clients.

The newly-opened party dance studio is beautifully designed. The only thing that I hope they improve on is having their own rest room inside their studio since right now they have a common rest room of the building which isn’t so nice. There is also limited parking too so you have to be there earlier just to make sure you get a slot in front or inside the building.

Nonetheless, The HodgePodge Lifestyle recommends Interactive Dance Revolution for a great fun place to dance and sweat those fats away in the metro.

For more info, visit Interactive Dance Revolution at:

Facebook: Interactive Dance Revolution
 37 Tomas Morato Ave, Quezon City
Contact #: 0927 004 0055