KFC Zinger in Space

Have you ever imagined eating KFC in, well, space? The fried chicken fast food company actually partnered with World View, a stratospheric exploration company, recently. They will be launching the first extended duration development flight of its high-altitude Stratollite vehicle this June, which will carry a commercial payload from flight partner KFC.

The partnership with KFC also allows this historic mission to be livestreamed via KFC social channels and www.KFCin.space.

“We’re excited to be the ones pushing spicy, crispy chicken sandwich space travel forward,” said Kevin Hochman, KFC US president. “But in all seriousness, we’re proud to support World View’s commitment to advancing space research and trust them to take our world famous Zinger sandwich to space.”

KFC’s spicy Zinger chicken sandwich to space in an entirely new and different concept most definitely. The popular fast food chain partnered also with the creative agency Wieden+Kennedy then approached World View to join them in their quest to to take a historic flight to the edge of space.

World View’s will have its first ever live broadcast launch so if you feel like seeing your favorite fast food fly in space, why not? It seems like the time of high technology, exploration or shall I say the “Jetsons” era have started to arrive.

“The Stratollite is spearheading a new market for data collection of our planet, the environment and human activity from a perch at the very edge of space,” said Jane Poynter, World View founder and CEO.

“This next mission will be our first attempt to really push the envelope with a flight designed to test, for the very first time, all the integrated critical systems needed to bring this Stratollite online for commercial markets.”

“The Stratollite was created to deliver more routine and meaningful access to space for all, and this mission allows us to give edge-of-space access to a commercial customer that would previously deem a project like this unimaginable,” said Taber MacCallum, World View co-founder and chief technology officer.

“Sure, this whole chicken sandwich payload is a bit funny. But, KFC gets to embark upon a one-of-a-kind marketing experiment, while we get to pursue our first multi-day shakedown cruise in the stratosphere. It’s a win for all. We’re pleased to have the opportunity to creatively bridge the divide between our industry and global brands that carry a more mainstream audience.”

World View has two additional flights planned for this summer, some interested adventurers already booked themselves a flight to outerspace. We wonder what’s the next food to travel in outer space?

Press release and photos courtesy of KFC and World View